How To Identify Spam

Most of us have opened our email program and found, alongside correspondence from people that we know, offers for products from commercial web sites. Some of these emails we expect. We have asked t...

How to Get Great Facebook Traffic

Facebook, along with other social networks, is highly valuable in today's atmosphere of spam filters and overloaded email inboxes. It offers an immediate, direct way to contact prospects without ha...

Dealing With Spam Email

Seems like every day there is more and more spam entering our e-mail boxes. It seems to frustrate everybody involved with the exception of the spammers themselves. Unfortunately for us, it seems th...

The CAN SPAM Act of 2003

The CAN SPAM Act of 2003 is an acronym for Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act which became effective January 1, 2004. The said legislation sets the requirements ...

Types of Online Computer Games

The world of computer games has evolved in exponential manner in the last few years. What started as a little fun for the kids is today a multi billion dollar industry with people of all ages playi...

What is CAN-SPAM Anyway?

Although the CAN-SPAM act was signed into law back in 2003, I still get email after email that does not comply with the regulations. As the Internet and email became a larger part of everyday Ameri...